Saturday, July 11, 2009

Popham Beach Cottage vacation

We arrived Saturday afternoon to a blue sky, beautiful sunshine and Annie's margaritas. We quickly brought our things into the cottage and headed out to enjoy the beautiful day. We were able to grab a few rays of sun before the first rainstorm hit. A heavy downpour for about a half hour – just long enough to put our cottage in order – and then back out to more sunshine.

Here's a pic of the cottage. We were located just off the dunes, well within sight and earshot of the surf.

Enjoying my margarita.

It had been so long since we'd seen clear skies I had no idea we were in for a full moon till it rose in all its glory Saturday night, shimmering over the breaking waves.

Sunday morning I rose shortly after the sun and took a solo walk on the deserted beach.

I love walking along and being the first footprints of the day

It was still chilly - maybe around 55 degrees - so I dressed warm. By the time I arrived back at the cottage around eight, it had warmed up considerably and we were ready for shorts.

I love all the interesting markings and shapes you find on the beach early in the morning.

Whatever event of nature that created this marking seemed to be questioning . . . or is it asking, lend me your ear?

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