Saturday, November 9, 2013

60 - wow

I turned 60 last Monday.  Wow.  60 means old.  No convincing yourself that you’re still middle aged.  60 is old.  It was really old when I was younger and though it’s not nearly as old now, it’s still old.  But, damn, I really like being 60.  I know I could stop working tomorrow if I chose to do so.  I could collect enough Social Security retirement and pension to get by.  It might mean a smaller life – spending more time at home.  In summers doing gardening, winters pottery.  But I’d be in control of my time.     

On my drive to work earlier this week I watched an older woman walking from her mailbox with the newspaper and couldn't help but think how leisurely that felt at 8:00 a.m.   I was envious that on this showery November day one might choose to stay home by a nice fire and read the local paper, maybe do all the puzzles: Sudoku, jumble, cryptoquip, and crossword.   If the skies cleared she might go out later and do a little yard work, or maybe just stay in and get lost in a good novel.  

I’m hoping to be able to build a year round home on my property on Cobbossee Stream.  Summers always see a nice breeze, great kayaking, lots of wildlife to watch, and easy access.  Winters and spring are likely to have some access issues since there’s an almost mile long dirt road but I feel like it will be a challenge that could be rewarding to face.  Stock up, stay in, find your own entertainment.  I love that . . . as long as it doesn't last 6 months.  J 

I would like to think we could take an annual trip to California to visit Jason and Adri and maybe a side adventure to Sedona, San Franciso, Joshua Tree or such. 

I guess we’ll see . . .

But so far, 60 is good.  

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